A little excerpt about the online me that may be good to know. Well, maybe not literally LMAOing, but you know what I mean… lol
Archive: May 2011
Today I received a message on Facebook. I am not going to disclose his name just in case its breaches some kind of privacy law in Finland. Anyway, it just makes me happy to see a video I posted up on the internet over 3 years ago still bring a…
This is the funniest thing I’ve read all week!! I know its a fake conversation, but the creativity that she pulled off throughout the board was hilariously brilliant. I bet all designers wish they could be able to do this IRL. I know I would! Source: http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html
Source: JellyVampire @ DeviantArt Beautiful piece of art and story that I just had to share!
A few days ago, I tweeted this. Although I’ve lived in Australia for 8 years, the simplest things still seem to surprise me. I guess that’s what you expect from being raised in a third world developing country. In Malaysia, we still use what we call a bas mini. Not…
Over the weekend, the temperature in Melbourne took a huge dive. This morning officials announced that the minimum recorded temperature last night was 5 degrees celcius. I may have some readers who would right now be thinking, “What…?! Wait til you experience [insert name of country here], where streams of…
I actually lol a little inside everytime I think about this. A couple weeks back, Eric posted a photo on facebook that got me chuckling quietly to myself. He had just gotten his iPad 2 and whilst logged into facebook, he instantly took a screen shot of this. …
I like reminiscing about my childhood. It always brings back feelings and emotions that I don’t know if I’m capable of feeling anymore. You know, that childhood innocence you see in a child’s eyes, sort of like a nervous curiousity. Ah, the simpler times when the absolute worst thing that…
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