To whom it may concern,
[teshah: i am not mad at you, so don’t write a comment asking why i’m mad at you]
OK, firstly – I cbf changing my site layout.
I’m not one of those – I need to change my layout so I can get more pageviews – people.
My opinion, blogs are for expressing yourselves through words and/or pictures. Letting go of your emotional stress and letting the whole world know what you want to say, be it subtly or obviously.
Well, decorations in layouts are not totally bad, but I just don’t see the point in making a new one. This one’s fine for the moment.
Anywayss, going out this weekend! Can’t wait. Getting out of this hole! Been stuck in school for four consecutive weeks. Yes, that means I haven’t been out for the last 3 weekends (4 if you count the weekend I arrived). It’s Ade’s birthday, and we gonna hv a chilled chill out session, pretty much. Need to get out for a bit, just need that little bit of “going-out”, if you know what I mean. Its just for a weekend, so its not much. Probably gonna slide back on work, but I’ll try to catch up along the week.
Can’t wait!
Feb 22, 2006 -
Dear DumDum,
Feb 22, 2006 -
Oouf. it’s my bro’s birthday! lol. next week matey
ah well, you gotta have fun for me too ok!??!? so you gotta have double fun! that should be fun shouldnt it!? hahaha. you better have fun for me! lol. anyways….
i like your layout. it’s very damdam-ishy
hahahaha if that even makes sense… anyways,,, ttyls bro! takecare =]
Feb 22, 2006 -
lol, donno how ny1 can stay in 4 so long!! poor yr12s!!!
r u goin 2 Ade’s dins thing? aprently there’s 50 ppl goin!!
Feb 23, 2006 -
dude, what is with the whole paragraph dedicated to me?
GEEZ. not that i usually dont like the dedication
but its like ur acusing me for something. and i never thought
u were mad at me. wtf? im just saying that your bloggin ways have
changed……… >______<”
gosh, ur so uptite.
u really need to get out of it.
“ Tish ;;
Feb 23, 2006 -
tam tam!!! wow i haven’t seen you post for so long i regarded your xanga site as a dead link.
i’m so jealous you ppl can go and eat good this weekend, while i have to stay here and binge on miggors. argh…
Mar 2, 2006 -
tesh that was really forward.that was uptite!shut up tesh =P lol
shafik is
Mar 13, 2006 -
i like ur theory about expression emotional thoughts through words..
Mar 14, 2006 -
adam TAMBAKAU?!! coolz!