Its another Saturday, wow… how time flies! Exams start in 5 days, and I’ve gotta start getting ready for it all. Writing up notes for the past 1 1/2 hours, and my head is out of it again! I don’t understand, how do you people study for 3-4 or maybe 5-6 hours non-stop?!?! What is friggin’ wrong with you people?! I wish I had the mental capacity to do that!
Oh look, Tin just popped online. Looks like I won’t be studying for another 15 mins…!
I wanna put in some Deep n’ Meaningful blog right here, but I’ve got no deep thoughts right now… how boring of me! When I get one of those deep thoughts, I’ll post it up =) Ciaoz then…
Nov 26, 2005 -
Ew. Studying sucks.
Nov 26, 2005 -
Heheh…all the best bro.
Don’t stress too much about Year 11 IB. It doesn’t count, so work hard, but play harder.
Nov 26, 2005 -
5th of Dec. thats in a week! wahahahah…
Nov 26, 2005 -
omg what r u talking about… exams are in 3 days!
Nov 26, 2005 -
hey! good luck for ur exams! (which have already started by now… most probably….. lol) oh and EHRM…. excuse e moi, i am SO not obsesssed with sheisha!! its just….. good
LOL. takecare chicO
Nov 27, 2005 -
ADAM TAMBAKAU (is that how u spell it?).. “houng houng” told me u were watching Lost, i suggest u do some work!!
cyaaaaa :)