OK, 2 down, 5 to go. Exams aren’t too bad if you do well in them. Maths Paper 1 was a breeze, (well, for me…), although I already know I did one question wrong coz of mis-reading. But tommorow comes chinese. My head would probably explode after 4 hours of chinese! Paper 1 consist of 2 hours, then a short break (I’m sure I’ll finish paper one in less than 2 hours), then Paper 2, essay writing. This is where I die. Haha, I’m having trouble writing good essays in english, and they expect me to write an essay in my 3rd language *sigh*. Nothing much to study for, probably just refresh my memory with words I know by reading a few chapters from my chinese text book. After about an hour of revision (more or less), I’ll get it on with Economics again. I’m probably dead for Eco, can’t write essays for shit. Like I said before, I can hardly write good essays in English and they expect me to write more essays in Eco. Argh. Doesn’t matter, gotta push my brain to its limit tonight and tommorow night.
Countdown: 8 days
Wow, 8 days isn’t long. 8 days is when all the fun begins. All that smiles and laughter. All that fooooooood. I’m hungry, dinner is in 30 mins.
Here’s a picture that Katrina took. KK people, you don’t know what your missing…
For more of these scenic pictures, visit http://ipong89.deviantart.com
Just wanna show off the shoes I picked up last night. The year 12s who left threw away some shoes, so there was a shoe give-away last night. Its not brand new, but its still really comfortable, plus its nike. Don’t know if its genuine tho! Here they are:
Not too bad, a bit of dirty bits here and there. They fit perfectly, which is a bonus. Hehe, I’m so happy I’ve got ‘new’ shoes.
Nov 30, 2005 -
wow… cool pic!!
omg!!! Teshah’s being soooooooo mean 2 u online!!! :P
Nov 30, 2005 -
waaahhhh im so boredddd….
Nov 30, 2005 -
hey. i thought schools are having hols now? :)
Nov 30, 2005 -
Nov 30, 2005 -
haha ur turning into steph, advertising deviant wherever u write :-P
whose shoes r they anyways? theyre cool… so whiteee… reminds me of like, andrew haha
Nov 30, 2005 -
hahaha nice nice *thumbs up* just getting any kind of shoes, new or old, is great!
shoes rock! i like shoes <33 LOL. i’m so sad. lollerskates.
anyways, that pic that kat took is awesome!!!!!! in aussie yea? anyways.. i remember doing the japanese exam! lol. i actually did GOOD. surprisingly… but that was ages ago!
if i did it now. i would probably fail with flying colors! lol.
oh lalala. screw that! good luck for chinese AND economics!!! takecare damdam
Nov 30, 2005 -
oh i see. so you’re not in malaysia now? cool. when u coming back ?