Currently listening to ‘Catch Your Wave – The Click Five’
It’s a very typical pop song
ones that you don’t get that much anymore
Weekend’s over
Spent Saturday in my room
on the computer from lunch ’til 3
– Then decided to play hockey with joel
I might be doing hockey as a winter sport this year
That’s if the school allows a change of sport
Coz I’m already enrolled into soccer
Sunday – Laser Wars
Haha! Yep, that’s right!
Real life ‘Counter-Strike’, as you may say it
Both games ended up as the 2nd top scorer
Which is pretty good – smirks*
Haven’t posted pictures in a while
Here are only 3 from the weekend
Didn’t get anymore photographs taken
(Left) Dom – readying for some lazer action
(Mid) Ian – getting ready to lala but was too late
(Right) Joel – Acting all cool and ‘Jay Chow’-ish (probably imitating me!)
Oh, this is the birthday boy (belated)
Forgot to mention
This Sunday outing is dedicated to him!
And becuase he’s the b’day boy
He gets shotgun in the front of taxi!
Give me a w00t w00t!
Lunch at a Japanese Restaurant
Sushi 8
My T-shirt looks too small – eyukz*
This was after lazer wars
Everybody was sweating like a pig!
That’s all the pix I have, bleh!
Have a Happy Easter everyone!
I know I will!
Apr 9, 2006 -
sounds like you guys are having a hella lotta fun! lol i can’t believe ya’ll just started spring break now
break here was ages ago! lol but ah well, w/e. lol
so, i’m sure you’ll get into uni of M. cuz you’re a smart bastardo
hahaha which isnt a bad thing at all. lucky cow
(sorry, cows are my new “big thing”) hahaha…. anyways… but yea, i won’t jinx your luck…. though i probably already have now… BLAGH.. dini shall shut up!!! … urm.. i’m actually not going down to scope out the colleges beefore i well, go… -____-” hahaha cuz well, 1. no time. 2. too late… i already applied! lol but i’m sure i wont die of feeling too uncomfortable or smething like that. well, least i hope not. cross my fingers and toes
anyways… i gotta go now… work work work! ttyls damdam
Apr 9, 2006 -
heheh, i like the jay chou joel pretending to be cool.
so easter is here.
well, it is in 3 school days..
“ Tish ;;
Apr 9, 2006 -
*sob sob* I didn’t PRETEND to be cool, I was just cold and tired, and unaware of you taking a picture… grrr adam, why you always theft-snap me T__________________________________________________T
and hey i shotgunned the front coz I had to be more special than someone… muhahahaha!
Apr 9, 2006 -
hahah argh
bad photo of the table!!!
Apr 10, 2006 -
hahah, getting ready to la-la? SWEET…..
we MUST do this again..whose birthday coming up? we use it as an excuse to get out
Apr 10, 2006 -
wot u mean?
dia check sia punya site juga..
so i dont wanna seem like im bragging.
nothing to brag about.
its just another boy.
“ Tish ;;
Apr 10, 2006 -
hey you! enjoy your holidays! ;)