Wow, I can officially say that all the year 12s in this school are gone by the end of today! Its so weird! The school seems so empty without them. Its like losing part of the family you grew up together with, although I’ve only been here for 2 years… it’s really sad!

Anywayz, time to try and forget that, coz exams come in 1 week! Yes, that’s right! OnE wEeK!!! And this week, I’ve got so many assignments to finish up. Yesterday I had to present my English Oral, today hand in my Maths Portfolio, my Economics Portfolio is due on thursday, and my Chinese Project due by the end of this week. Oh and not to mention that I’m laggin’ behind in Chemistry! *Sigh*, this is gonna be a killer week. I’m glad I’m staying in this weekend, gotta study my head off!

On the BRIGHT side, in 2 weeks… -Here comes the climactic bit- … HoLiDaY!!!! w00t! I can’t wait! I’ve been waiting for the holiday since forever! LoL! This calls for a pre-celebration *dances around the room* YaY! I can’t wait! Firstly, going to Saipan/Guam for 1 week, which will be full of beach fun! Then, back to Hong Kong for some shopping anddddd DISNEYLAND! I’m such a kid! I can’t wait, it’ll be so good!! Ok looks like its time to stray off into random thoughts of the future that lies ahead…
