I don’t know what I’m doing with this blog. Glad to see that people do check back from time to time hoping I’d put up another post. I’ve just got no more motivation anymore, let alone the energy to think up interesting posts to read.

Blergh… truth be told, I haven’t been blogging due to one reason, and one reason only.


Reason why I could update so frequently 6 months ago was because I stopped playing for a while. Got sick of it. But just recently, I’ve gotten hooked again. Most games taking an average of an hour to complete, there shouldn’t be any surprise how I spend all my time.

That’s what I do when I’m at home though. The rest of my time is usually spent in the city, at friend’s places or just walking aimlessly around the city staring at buildings.

The Royal Melbourne Show is currently being held this week at the Showgrounds in Melbourne. That’s where I was yesterday. It is a grand event, held once annually in Melbourne. It’s like a massive carnival with rides and games everywhere. The carnival lasts for 10 days, so after 4 years being here, I thought it’d be about time for me to go :)

Hell, it was expensive! I had to pay per ride, plus food was marked up 200% above normal retail price! Despite the costs, the atmosphere was grand. It wasn’t packed, yet it wasn’t empty. Rides didn’t take long to wait for, and there were random shows every 2nd minute.

There was also a farmstead with hundreds of cows! Yes! COWS! Unlike the ones I see when I balik kampung (go back to my dad’s hometown), these cows were twice the size! Think about it, twice the size of the body means twice the size of their balls!

There were heaps of fun booths around the park, food stalls and those game houses that just eats your money up by the second. I tried like two or three games in hopes to win a huge soft toy, but gave up after realising that only about 1% of the people at the carnival were carrying around a soft toy.

Just before leaving the show grounds, some of us decided to get their face painted!

Flowers, Dragons, Butterflies… I thought I saw them all until the mother of all face-paintings was done!

A DOG! Kenyo is such a legend!