
Category: History

10 Jun


7 Jun


4 Jun

Yesterday I received an email from Nuffnang, an advertising group that I signed up with. I received my first assigned advert, which possibly I might get paid for! Isn’t that exciting! Haha, well as usual, another boring day at home. And as usual, took trips down memory lane… …just to…

24 May

American Idol Season 6 was just aired in America a couple or hours ago. Since being in Australia, the only way I was able to catch the episodes was through youtube. And what a great season it was. With over 40 million viewers following just this season alone, there is…

22 May

Moving on is so difficult. Life has its ups and downs. I think I’m at my downs right now. People keep asking me how I’ve been? It’s been so hard to answer, ‘cause if I say I’m alright, I’d be lying. I just answer with a simple ok. … or…

18 May

I have updated the AST Productions section with songs I have recorded over the Easter break. Go check it out by clicking here. Have you watched the movie Meet The Parents/Fockers? Well even if you haven’t, this posts has nothing to do with the movie. But if you have seen…