I was pretty disappointed to find that the Exodus Ball wasn’t a sit-down, 3-course meal or anything. No wonder we didn’t need to bring dates. A cocktail party is what it was. Not one of those elegant cocktail parties you’d expect. Think about it, what do you get when you put about a hundred year 12 teenagers at an allocated space with a DJ and lots of booze? A club.
I wasn’t planning to go clubbing, so I just used this opportunity as one. Seeing as when I arrived at the place everyone was already pissed off their faces, I tried my best to keep enjoy every moment of it.
There was a ‘professional’ photographer at the entrance of the ball taking photos of couples, posses, big groups and posers. I think I went back to get my photo taken like over 10 times (No I am not a poser, I do have friends). I also took tons of photos with my camera, with my friends, friends I hardly talk to, and friends I didn’t even know I was friends with.
The whole party lasted for only 2 hours. People were kicked out for smoking in the toilets and all. By 11.30, everybody was literally kicked out of the hotel and was left outside drunk as hell. After saying goodbye to everyone (including the people I didn’t know), we left the party and headed back to the apartment.
I won’t get into detail at the apartment. We just sat around playing drinking games with cards. I hope everybody had a good time, because I sure did.
I had to catch a flight at midnight the next day. Before leaving Melbourne, Joel, Boom Timmy and I decided to finish off something we left undone from before. For those of you who might’ve seen my other videos, I’m sure you’ll find this one more entertaining than the others. For those who haven’t, prepare for laughter beyond your guts can handle.
The flight back to Malaysia was almost close to perfect. Good seats, good movies, good people.
It’s time to catch up on sleep, plus lots of work and studying headed this way.
Sep 19, 2006 -
HAHAHA!!! We’re look so gay!! And pretty boy boom yelling out was hilarious!! Good job adam!! Obviously someone has too much free time? *tsk tsk* I call that sleeping photo of you “The Chimpanzee”, coz it reminds me of those “monkeys in a barrel” or whatever they’re called. Oh btw, I went to the learners test today, passed the computer test with 94%, but failed the eyesight test miserably… couldn’t even see a single letter -___________-“
Sep 19, 2006 -
btw..adam…exodus ball sounds boring
Sep 20, 2006 -
hahaha !!! that’s video’s so funny :D !!!!!!
doesn’t beat my “What i’ve been looking for” video :P *hint to joel…
Sep 20, 2006 -
omgggg haha i dun rem taking that photo
Sep 20, 2006 -
Wow…fully elite video skills…
Sep 20, 2006 -
sigh… some people (such as rach) just have high expectations… (oh wait, did rach even know the lyrics to what i’ve been looking for?)… adam time for next AST production =)
Sep 20, 2006 -
hahaha !!!! cut us some slack ! lol ! i’ll make a new version next time !
oh yea.. i kinda deleted off my friendster coz i was public humiliating one of my friends :)
p.s >> joel, you can even join in ! we can make a collab :P ! your pick: “Bop to the top” or “We’re all in this together” ! hahaha !!!!
Sep 20, 2006 -
ur so mean to me. u shud go away.
Tonight punya “event” soooo boring.
>_<” but i got to eat roti chanai after.
and no she wasnt laughing.
i had to take her pikture too.
“ Tish ;;
Sep 20, 2006 -
these “formals//proms” are SOOO fuckin overrated. yea. lol but it looked like you had SOOOME fun :) hehe… they’re good for the piktures and good memories of everyone being pissd
specially if you’re the only one sober…… hahahaha
which i dun even know if u were!!! .. if that made sense… neways, every1 looks hott! AWESAM! haha :)
Sep 21, 2006 -
omg!!! the formal looks awsome!!! :)
hope u’r enjoying KK!! cya after the holidays!