
Category: Xanga

12 Sep

Today I realised just how much I probably will be missing my lifestyle at this school. No more bells to wake you up in the morning. No more time-wasting rollcall assemblies every day. No more communal showers. No more food being prepared for me. No more compulsory sport after school…

9 Sep

Small talk: Robbie Williams came to my school the other day. He was 5 feet 3 inches tall and looked like a dwarf. It’s an experience I doubt I’ll forget. Robbie Williams Experience. I am in tommorow’s B2 High Jump event at 10.30am, first event of the day. Come drop…

4 Sep

Time is such a valuable factor for me right now. Not much time left until the exams, even less until the holidays. Cuthbertson house dinner is only days away, and the school athletics carnival begins tomorrow. Boy how time flies. I started writing up a different blog post yesterday, wanting…

31 Aug

Wow, of all days, this has gotta be be one of my most packed. Can’t type out that Merdeka prologue that I mentioned in the previous post, sorry about that. Would just like to wish all Malaysians out there; Happy Merdeka!

29 Aug

And today ends my full week of preparation and exams. Yes, that�s right, I have completed my last practice exam paper only a couple of hours ago. I walked out of that exam room with all sorts of emotions; joy, sorrow, anger, frustration, fear and remorse. Joyful about the fact…

27 Aug

This week is dedicated to the commemoration of Merdeka Day, Malaysia’s National Day. On August 31st 1957, Malaysia rejoiced as it obtained independence from the British colony. I will go into more detail explanation on the actual day. Well, the weekend has been dull and pretty boring. Half the boarding…

25 Aug

The condom. One of man’s greatest inventions. Made out of latex rubber, it is designed as a cover to protect its barrier, and will not break even when being forced. It is a rubber sheath that you wedge onto your device. When using it for a long period of time…

23 Aug

Google definitions:Geek    –        Short for computer geek, an individual with a passion for computers, to the exclusion of other normal human interests. –        A term similar to nerd, but slightly less pejorative in tone. Nerd    –        A computer expert by aptitude and not mere training. Usually a male, under…